3 ways to land softer and run better

Why is returning to running so darn difficult? For an activity that seems so simple, there sure are a lot of variables. 3 common complaints I hear from my running patients: 1) I can’t run without leaking 2) I can’t run due to hip/knee pain 3) I haven’t been able to run since I injured […]

How to reduce muscle tension at work

The creeping, nagging muscle tension that occurs while sitting at the computer affects us all. So we change our posture, change from sitting to standing, add lumbar supports,  try foam rolls, and use postural support contraptions. Sometimes these tools help but often it doesn’t. What else is there? This video offers a different perspective in […]

Breathe Better, Move Better: 4 ways breathing changes your life.

The breath – movement connection Breathing and moving are two constant components of life. People seek help when there’s an interruption to their movement and physical therapists are experts in human movement. As a PT, I teach people how to move so they can reduce pain, improve function, and excel at their activity of choice. […]

Impact training for confident jumping jacks

Jumping jacks used to be easy and fun right? What happened? Most of the women I work with have had to modify their jumping exercises due to leakage. Oh the joys of motherhood!  I address strategies to remedy bladder leakage during jumping in this article. Today I want to take it a step further.  In the gym, the […]

Your checklist for a better run

Do you want to run again? What keeps you from running now?  Injury?  Pain?  Leakage? These are natural reasons to stop and seek treatment. Unfortunately, I have found that many people are afraid to return to running for fear of re-injury or exacerbation of symptoms. Let me share a quick story with you. Georgia was […]

How to plank with confidence and without back pain

I wish I could tell you the number of women who confide in me that they have completely stopped a specific exercise because of pain or fear of injury. Planks rank high among those exacerbating exercises. Do planks hurt your back? Has someone told you to avoid as specific exercise in order to avoid symptoms? […]

7 mobility exercises to improve quarantine posture

Has quarantine life left you tight and tense? Working from home and sitting more can lead to complaints of neck tension, low back stiffness, and hip flexor tightness.  Sitting for long periods in less than ergonomically ideal positions will find you searching for the right exercises to combat your tense posture. Tension can creep in […]

Holding your breath when you squat

woman doing squats

We are all aware of the awkwardly cute closed mouth smiley face a baby makes when he messes in his diaper. Have you ever thought to recognize the connection between the grunt that occurs in order to push? It’s a great visual of the connection between the throat and the pelvic floor.  I have written about […]

3 exercises for a stronger run

In my earlier years, cardio was my main form of exercise and stress relief. I entered races to keep my motivation to run; competing in 5k’s, 10k’s, half marathons, and triathlons. As a runner and therapist, one thing I’ve come to understand is the value of strength training. It is a valuable tool that runner’s […]

Safe home exercises for diastasis recti

  What is Diastasis? Diastasis Recti is a separation between the rectus abdominus muscles. The tissue is not torn!! It is thinning and widening of the line alba (connective tissue in the midline of the abdomen) . This separation is completely normal and necessary when the belly expands by the third trimester of pregnancy. In […]