Why is returning to running so darn difficult? For an activity that seems so simple, there sure are a lot of variables.
3 common complaints I hear from my running patients:
1) I can’t run without leaking
2) I can’t run due to hip/knee pain
3) I haven’t been able to run since I injured myself
Running requires strength, balance, and control in the lower extremity. It also requires core strategies and upper trunk mobility. You may need one or more of these items in your rehab plan. If physical therapy strengthening hasn’t worked before, don’t give up! There’s a lot more to consider.
How your body accepts impact is one item and that’s what this newest video is all about. You don’t have to be a world class runner to learn how to run with a softer landing. This video shows you 3 techniques you can use for better shock absorption. I use it for my patients who need to change the impact due to hip/knee pain with running. I also use it for my patients who deal with incontinence during a run.
Here’s a recent review from one of my running patients.