Gluteal Tendinopathy – when stretching won’t help.

Lateral hip pain that won’t go away no matter how much you stretch? Keep reading. Gluteal tendinopathy is the primary source of lateral hip pain affecting up to 23.5% of middle-aged women, particularly postmenopausal.  Some doctors might call it greater trochanteric pain syndrome or trochanteric bursitis People complain of moderate to severe pain that interferes […]

Gestational Diabetes risk factor for Diastasis Recti

Diastasis Recti (DRA)  is normal neurophsyiological process that occurs in pregnancy. The linea alba widens as the baby grows. It’s a beautiful adaptation. For some women, their Linea Alba doesn’t return to baseline ( less than 3 cm of inter recti distance) after 12 months postpartum. There are all sorts of hypotheses as to why. […]

Diastasis – Stop log rolling!

Stop Log Rolling! Your Rectus abdominis muscles aren’t injured but they may be weak. Strengthening them will NOT make DRA worse. If you have been told not to use your rectus, let me tell you that we know better now. For instance, research has shown that activating the “deep core” and Tr Ab  muscles actually […]

Numerous Benefits of Creatine- beyond getting jacked

What is Creatine? Creatine is a naturally occurring amino acid in the body. It is produced by the liver, pancreas and kidneys at about 1 gram/per day. About 95% of it is stored in the skeletal muscle as phosphocreatine and the rest is stored in the brain. It’s main purpose plays a role in producing […]

Keep strength training through menopause

  WOMEN ARE STRONG! The performances of women weightlifters have improved over the last 25 yr and even more drastically in the last 5 years! Therefore previous research publications do not reflect the current physical capabilities of women. Ladies, YOU ARE STRONG and research needs to catch up with just how strong you are! Did […]

Best self management for ankle sprain

  Ankle sprains occur at the most inopportune moments! A week before he was to compete at the California State high jump track meet, my son sprained his ankle in practice.  The next 6 days were fraught with grief, anxiety, pain, grit, determination, and yet glimmers of hope. It was his senior year and he […]

Remedy for a good night’s sleep

Sleep Health Optimizing your sleep hygiene is a great measure to take and can lead to a plethora of health benefits. The information on sleep health is abundant, yet somehow many of us are still sleeping poorly. Numerous sleep tips and toolkits abound and for some that may be all you need to start sleeping soundly. […]

Tendon(itis) – rest isn’t always best

  Tendon issues are tricky. The progress can be slow and frustrating. In athletes, the most common tendinopathies occur at the Achilles tendon, and Patella tendon, but it can occur in the hips, elbows, and shoulders as well. The self management advice has generally been toward rest and conservative care. However,  the latest evidence in […]

Best way to practice slow breathing

Last month I had the pleasure of creating a breathwork course for Marriage 365. I taught on a daily breath practice, a breathing practice for the stressful moments, and a partner breathing exercise. It was a ton of fun and I’m so grateful for the opportunity. The average adult breathes at a rate of 12-20 […]

Can your running shoes prevent injury ?

A few weeks ago I received a phone call regarding foot mechanics and injury risk. The person had taken their son to a shoe store and was fitted for a shoe based on their foot posture. The experience at the store left them concerned about their son’s feet and potential for future injury. This is a […]