Online Courses for Physical Therapists
by Melanie Connell
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Creating a person centered approach for back pain
This online course is designed to help you empower people with back pain to move through FEAR and into SAFETY so they can return to what they love with confidence.
- What do you do when a patient shows fear around their exercise plan?
- How do you get patients with back pain over the compliance hurdle?
- How confident do you feel in holding space for and addressing one’s fear around back pain?
- How quickly are you willing to progress someone who has persistent back pain?
SAFETY is far more than the old paradigm of “safe movements and postures for back pain”. Learning SAFETY will empower your clinical decision-making in treating people with persistent back pain.
Learning Objectives
In this online course, participants will learn:
Principles around pain-related fear and how to help someone overcome it.
- How to stop over-educating and instead create a personalized approach to back pain via experiential learning.
Identify ways for patients to feel safe and motivated with exercise/activity/movement.
- Encourage patients to do harder things while giving them the tools to monitor and adjust as needed.

Melanie did an amazing job of reminding us to validate a patients story, ask their expectations, and let them choose the direction they want to go. So often we still participate in a more provider-centered approach where we prescribe exercise, educate, and give people too much direction. I loved hearing her talk about “show over tell” giving people a chance to experience safety in their body again.
- Carolyn V., Physical Therapist

It reminded me to listen to the patient and talk less because verbal education isn’t more important than hearing someone’s full story.