Moving beyond Kegels – how to train jumping

When it comes to treating the pelvic floor there are 2 types of female athletes I see. 1) Those who avoid plyo day altogether because they leak and 2) Those who participate in plyo day while experiencing leaking during some or most of the exercises. Both groups grow increasingly frustrated because they want to advance […]
Diastasis Recti – How it started vs How it’s going

How it started In the last 10 years of understanding more and more about Diastasis Recti, quite a shift has happened. It started with a focus on fixing the gap. Surgery can close the gap in the abdominal wall; however, focusing solely on the gap is a narrow mindset that doesn’t provide people with options. […]
3 ways to land softer and run better

Why is returning to running so darn difficult? For an activity that seems so simple, there sure are a lot of variables. 3 common complaints I hear from my running patients: 1) I can’t run without leaking 2) I can’t run due to hip/knee pain 3) I haven’t been able to run since I injured […]
Breathe Better, Move Better: 4 ways breathing changes your life.

The breath – movement connection Breathing and moving are two constant components of life. People seek help when there’s an interruption to their movement and physical therapists are experts in human movement. As a PT, I teach people how to move so they can reduce pain, improve function, and excel at their activity of choice. […]
How to plank with confidence and without back pain

I wish I could tell you the number of women who confide in me that they have completely stopped a specific exercise because of pain or fear of injury. Planks rank high among those exacerbating exercises. Do planks hurt your back? Has someone told you to avoid as specific exercise in order to avoid symptoms? […]
3 exercises for a stronger run

In my earlier years, cardio was my main form of exercise and stress relief. I entered races to keep my motivation to run; competing in 5k’s, 10k’s, half marathons, and triathlons. As a runner and therapist, one thing I’ve come to understand is the value of strength training. It is a valuable tool that runner’s […]
How to stop leaking with jump rope

Last month I taught a pelvic floor workshop at a local gym. At the beginning of the night, each member introduced themselves and the main reason they attended. One of the first members to speak said, “I pee”, giving permission for the rest of the group to follow suit with the same admission. In total […]
The pelvic floor – breath connection

The Connected Breath Breathing is powerfully impactful for the pelvic floor. It is also a profound tool for help with Diastasis Recti . Your pelvic floor muscles work automatically with the breath but there are ways to slow down and begin to connect. Breathing is a simple place to start connecting to your pelvic floor. I […]