The Connected Breath

The Connected Breath
We have become a nation of shallow breathers and poor movers.
– Melanie Connell, PT, MPT
Empowering you toward resilience!
In my physical therapy practice I use breathing in 4 main areas: 1) pain, 2) performance, 3) posture, and 4)pressure.
Optimal breathing improves mobility in the spine and reduces body tension. Through breathing you can gain a stronger connection into the deep core stabilizing muscles (including the pelvic floor). You can also improve your athletic performance and mental focus and you can take control of your pain.
Breathing offers direct access to our nervous system, therefore connecting to your breath helps you connect to your body and yourself.
Watch the following videos to learn how to connect to your breath.
The breath connection
Breathing and moving are two constant components of life. People seek help when there’s an interruption to movement and physical therapists are experts in human movement. As a PT, I teach people how to move so they can reduce pain, improve function, and excel at their activity of choice. In order to teach someone to move well, I create an approach based on the whole person. This extends far beyond muscles and joints to include beliefs and mindset, nutrition, sleep, movement patterns, coordination and control, function, resiliency, stress response, and most importantly breathing.
Dr Karel Lewit has said, “If breathing is not normalized, no other movement pattern can be.”
Everyone can benefit from connecting to their breath. This is especially true if you need to reduce chronic tension, reduce stress, improve performance, and connect to your core and pelvic floor.