“Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.”
-Mother Teresa
Love & Fruit Dip
My husband is a dip and sauce man. Whether savory or sweet, if it is something to pour or dip he will go for it. I used to try to make a Martha Stewart fruit dip when were first married.
This recipe literally came to me in the middle of the night a few weeks ago. I thought I would try to see if I could replicate a healthier version of what my taste buds remembered. My husband was an immediate fan of this dip. It has plenty of healthy fat and no refined sugar
Eating a diet higher in fat leaves one satiated without the cravings for sweets.
Craving. Good word. What do you crave?
I recently came across a quote, “It’s often not the poison, but the pleasure that ruins us.”
Craving goes far beyond food. What does your life crave? It could be pleasure, escapism, love, food, drink, or acceptance. No matter what it is, this craving is a voracious appetite that is never filled in life. It’s source is emptiness and results in emptiness. Ecclesiastes 6:7, “All the toil of man is for his mouth, yet his appetite is not satisfied.”
Gluttony is unrestrained craving and should be measured much more by the consumption of your heart than the consumption of your mouth. I hear people saying the church should talk more about gluttony. Maybe we should, but regarding it only for the obese, is blind thinking. Gluttony is when the church longs more for comfortable living and personal pleasure than life change through renewal and redemption.
God’s renewal and redemptive plan for humanity is to once again dwell with His people in perfect love. Not until then will we ever truly be satisfied. I pray our deep inner cravings continually draw us toward the truth that we are known, loved, and accepted, by our Creator. The abundant life He gives truly satisfies.
Cravings aside, give this dip a try and let me know what you think.
May your taste buds be fully satisfied.
Fruit Dip (LCHF)
It keep well in the fridge.
It works with any fruit.
Refrigerating the can of coconut cream first will make this dip thicker and firmer
Adding some of the coconut water from the coconut cream can will make the dip a little fluffier and make it tast really similar to whip cream. MMMM
1/2 cup Cashew cream (raw cashews soaked in water overnight and blended to make a cream)
1/2 cup Full fat coconut cream refrigerated (or full fat coconut milk refrigerated then use the cream that separates from the water)
1 tsp Pure Vanilla extract
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/8 tsp All spice
1/2 tsp Pure maple syrup (omit or subsititue stevia if strict Keto)
sprinkle Himalayan Salt
- Place cashew cream and coconut cream in Vitamix on high and blend until smooth about 30 seconds
- Add the rest of the ingredients and pulse
- Pour into a glass dish with a lid then place in the fridge to harden for 30 minutes.
- Serve with your favorite fruit.
- Store in the fridge for a week.