Remedy for a good night’s sleep

Sleep Health Optimizing your sleep hygiene is a great measure to take and can lead to a plethora of health benefits. The information on sleep health is abundant, yet somehow many of us are still sleeping poorly. Numerous sleep tips and toolkits abound and for some that may be all you need to start sleeping soundly. […]
Concussed, now what?

My Husband’s Concussion Story Around 8 years ago, my husband sustained a concussion and subdural hematoma from a surfing accident. The day it happened he had nearly all the red flags, and yet concussion didn’t cross my mind. I remember him vomiting profusely and rapidly and saying he just wanted to sleep. We went to […]
The truth about low back pain

Low back pain is the leading cause of global disability. It therefore requires more thoughtful consideration of scientific evidence in comparison to the stories we’ve been sold. Back pain is complex and no one persons back pain is the same as the other. Therefore blanket statements like, “do xyz to cure your back pain” are […]
Moving beyond Kegels – how to train jumping

When it comes to treating the pelvic floor there are 2 types of female athletes I see. 1) Those who avoid plyo day altogether because they leak and 2) Those who participate in plyo day while experiencing leaking during some or most of the exercises. Both groups grow increasingly frustrated because they want to advance […]
When chronic back pain loses its power

“Pain is both physical and emotional 100% of the time.” –Dr Rachel Zoffness Is it possible to gain control over pain? How does chronic pain lose it’s power? Why does giving less attention to it weaken pain? Pain is complex. Telling someone to stop thinking about pain is dismissive. However, when clients see their potential […]
Persistent pain and returning to what you love

Return to what you love? Even with pain? Yes, go for it! It may sound either intimidating or exhilarating but, returning to what you love is absolutely possible. Pain Pain interrupts how you experience yourself in your own environment. Quite often it limits your possibilities. As pain persists your world feels smaller and smaller […]
How to use the Stroop Task as an Ortho PT

Treatment for orthopedic injuries has primarily been concerned with musculoskeletal health and recovery. Range of motion, strength, posture, PNS, soft tissue healing, structure, movement patterns, and biomechanics have taken top priority. These are helpful factors in rehabilitation, however current research is calling for a much more whole systems approach to physical therapy. In my opinion, […]
When stress increases your symptoms & pain makes you stressed

Stress and pain are collective experiences. One of my favorite quotes on pain is from Dr. Adriaan Louw, “Pain isn’t a protocol. Pain is a human lived experience.” As a physical therapist it is common to hear a patient speak on how their pain increases during stressful moments or experiences. Increased pain can lead to […]
You’ve returned to running, whats next?

Congrats! Returning to running after having a baby, or a surgery, or an injury is a big deal. It’s not an easy trajectory. You’ve likely had to work on strength, load, impact, sleep, pressure, stress, mindset, and mobility. So you’re here and you can run, but what’s next? Do you have a strategy for your […]
Your checklist for a better run

Do you want to run again? What keeps you from running now? Injury? Pain? Leakage? These are natural reasons to stop and seek treatment. Unfortunately, I have found that many people are afraid to return to running for fear of re-injury or exacerbation of symptoms. Let me share a quick story with you. Georgia was […]